We focus on Results vs. Resumes
Successful strategy realization depends on leadership and talent alignment. When a leadership team is moving in the same direction and aligns team dynamics, culture, and organization with strategy, they eliminate the talent-related friction that impacts realizing their strategic goals.
We Deliver! 100% Every Time!
Talent Optimization Assessment
Assess the alignment of your talent strategy with your business strategy.
Build cohesive,
goal-focused teams.
Hire with certainty.
Lead with purpose.
Keep your people engaged.
As a Predictive Index Certified Partner, NorthStar combines its nearly two decades of experience understanding and defining the keys to strategic goal accomplishment and its proven skills at building and leading high-performing teams, with its team of talent professionals powered by the industry-leading Talent Optimization platform to help our clients align their talent strategy with their business strategy to optimize their talent and improve the realization of their strategic goals.
Value-added, White-glove Staffing Support
Categories and Roles
Business Architects
Business Process SMEs
Systems Engineers
Process Improvement SMEs
Lean/Six Sigma SMEs
Proven Discovery & Alignment Process
Business SME vs. Recruiter sourcing & screening
Focus on behavioral and cognitive success indicators and intangibles vs. keyword matching
Success across a wide range of Business & Technology Roles
Junior to Senior, Full-time to Fractional Support
Flexible Right-to-Hire Terms
Services Offered
NorthStar can provide quick turn-around 5-star contingent staffing support to augment your team when:
A hiring freeze has limited your ability to hire full-time staff.
HR is having a difficult time finding the right talent in a timely manner.
Skill and/or bandwidth gap.
Short duration needs.