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Writer's pictureNorthStar

Measuring return on investment to extend successful programs and adjust lagging programs

Updated: Nov 14, 2022

Fortune 50 Telecommunications Company

An organizational change challenge

A major telecommunications company sought assistance while adopting a Net Promoter Score system designed to provide a company-wide customer focus. Client challenges included:

  • Brand was suffering due to recent high visibility customer service failures and consumer trust had eroded. Industry wide metrics placed the client at or near the bottom in virtually every category of customer service.

  • Needed a way to provide NPS visibility and a way to associate NPS results with actionable information. NPS surveys were administered, logged, and evaluated but the client found it difficult attributing operational changes with NPS improvements.

  • Missing ways to measure return on investment so successful programs could be extended and lagging programs could be stopped or adjusted. NPS movements were apparent but they were always in the aggregate.

  • No linking of customer journeys and agent actions, and a change program to guide stakeholders towards new, more effective customer service processes was needed.

  • Needed a way to ensure the changes were accelerated and enduring so the culture of the organization could be aligned towards the new strategy based on Customer Service Excellence.

NorthStar’s solution

NorthStar’s solution was to approach the effort like an Organizational Change initiative by concentrating on the human side of change. Initial steps were to assess the overarching organizational needs and understanding the benefits desired; NorthStar was able to design a change plan that accelerated the client toward improved processes and improved customer experience. Analysis of stakeholder impact clearly identified the customer service agents as needing better visibility into customer NPS and linkage to actions taken and resolutions observed. NorthStar uncovered that agent’s needed improved knowledge to support the personalized customer experience change that was desired. Additional opportunities were identified that would allow for improved communications and team awareness when change improvements took hold. NorthStar was critical in the client’s ability to align the technical enablers, which enhanced the agent’s ability to adopt the new methods and was able to ensure training and awareness support was available to lift the agent’s knowledge.

How we measured the solution

Measurable improvements in the Net Promoter Score were observed by this client. An improvement of 13 NPS points was observed at the same time the client observed a dramatic 15% increase in customer satisfaction as measured by the American Customer Satisfaction Index. With the improved reports, the client was able to focus on projects that held the greatest potential improvements including programs to encourage digital adoption and technician enablement. Linking agent action to NPS results was a powerful tool enabling the client to identify worthwhile projects. The agent’s ability to view and understand NPS ratings was key in their ability to understand the customer and deliver a more personalized service. This client was able to successfully implement an organizational transformation centered on improving customer experience.

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